domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

Top Customs and Traditios of Gomez Farias and Union de Guadalupe.

This job has been made by students from the first semester of educationnal media with the intention of knowing the customs and traditionsfrom the communities of Gommez Frias and Union de Guadalupe.

This way we will have present what is identified as community for which for years has been regarded.

These customs and traditions complete our country which such extended diversity with so much clarity that it`s one of the most completed in the whole in which liberty of culture with legends chants art and dance among others are enclosed.

The culture can be considered as a conjunction of distinct spiritual traces and materials that are intellectual and affective that characterize a society or a social gruop.

The culture is expressed by material acts such as festivals, food, dressing, arts, but also include symbolic acts such as beliefs, values, norms, and principies.

Culture is a clear expression of the meanings constructed by social practices, is to say, the culture is carried and construction of meanings.

The tradition of Gomez Farias, Jalisco are carried throughout the days 19th and 20th of January, during these days our saint San Sebastian with the company of his guardian from tololos and coloradas and of the people of the village that shall see him.

The traditions of Union de Guadalupe is the day 12 of December. On this day birthdays are celebrated, masses are made to honor the Virgin of Guadalupe. Since she is our saint mother for our specific community. There are also dances made to honor our Lady Guadalupe to represent her.

The traditions are governed by the Catholic calendar, while retaining aspects of pre-hispanic origin. Estonia is because Chistian religious valoresm were imposed by conquest. As a way to preserve religious customs.

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